Sony PlayStation 3 game console will be sold in the UAE at US $ 54 cheaper

Sony has announced its decision to lower prices in the United Arab Emirates for its PlayStation 3 video game console by 200 dirhams (US $ 54.49) as part of the company's international campaign to restore lost leadership positions in the gaming and entertainment sector, which was shaken by Sony's longtime rival, the company Microsoft Corp.

Thus, from November of this year, the 160-GB prefix, which was previously sold in the UAE at a price of AED 1299 (US $ 355), will be sold at a price of AED 1099 (US $ 300), a 320-Gb version that was previously sold at a price of AED 1499 ( US $ 408), will now cost 1299 dirhams.

Sony has already reduced the price of its game consoles by one fifth of its original price in the United States, where the game market is one of the most competitive in the world. This decision was made after the research company NPD announced that sales of new games had reached their lowest level in five years.

Sony, now recovering from a large-scale hacker attack, which revealed serious security flaws in the PlayStation network, said the price cut was due to run up to the largest European video game exhibition Gamescom.

Watch the video: PS Plus CountryRegion EXPLAINED (May 2024).