Archaeologists in the UAE discovered traces of a settlement 8 thousand years old

Archaeologists have discovered in the UAE the oldest village, which was founded 8 thousand years ago.

During excavations in the UAE, a village was discovered testifying to the presence of settled life in these places already 8 thousand years ago. Experts believe that the first settlers of the UAE lived in it.

Excavations on the island of Marava discovered the first dwellings built during the period when people ceased to be nomads and began to build houses.

The discovery allows scientists to conclude about the lifestyle and lifestyle of people in this region.

Experts from the Department of Culture and Tourism of Abu Dhabi argue that settled communities existed even then, although it was previously thought that people were exclusively nomadic.

On the island, up to ten well-preserved first of its kind dwellings were found, located about 30 kilometers from the coast near Mirfa.

Excavations allow experts to digitally reconstruct the village in which, in their view, people have lived for several hundred years.

The technology of dating by the radiocarbon method made it possible to establish that the settlement was founded in the era known as the Neolithic almost 8 thousand years ago.

The houses had living rooms and open spaces used for cooking and placing animals. Houses are very similar to each other in design and construction.

"Despite the fact that excavations were carried out in other regions of the UAE, so far no one has managed to find elements of the premises," experts say.

This means that Marava could be the first place people began to settle, build houses, moving from a nomadic lifestyle based on raising sheep and goats.

In other parts of the Middle East, this period is associated with the development of agriculture, also called the Neolithic revolution.

It is believed that in Marava completely different processes led to the foundation of the village.

According to experts, the residents of Marava settled in the area to use the resources of the Persian Gulf rather than cultivate crops.

Watch the video: 10 Most MYSTERIOUS Archaeological Discoveries (May 2024).