In the United Arab Emirates, new rules of residence for expat families have entered into force

In the United Arab Emirates, new sponsorship rules for foreign families have begun to apply.

Now, any resident of the UAE who earns from 4,000 dirhams ($ US 1,089) without housing or from 3,000 dirhams ($ US 817) with housing provided by the company can sponsor his family, the Federal Office for Identification and Emirateration reports.

The new rule actually allows expatriates to bring family members (spouse and children under 18 years of age or unmarried daughters) to live in the UAE, if the total family income or one of them meets the required conditions.

"The decision is aimed at strengthening the stability of families of foreign workers and social cohesion, as well as attracting highly qualified personnel while maintaining a healthy balance between professional and personal life," the official statement said.

Watch the video: UAE New Work Policy Implemented. (May 2024).