Mr. Peabody and Sherman are racing with history

Text: Anastasia Lelyukh


The creator of the cartoon was Rob Minkoff, the same one who was co-director of the legendary and beloved cartoon "The Lion King" and director of the cartoon "Stuart Little". The famous American actor Ty Burrell was invited to voice the brilliant dog. And thanks to Empire International cinema distributor Anastasia Lelyukh, the film reviewer of Russian Emirates, it became known why this role found a special response in Tye’s heart, how much he looks like his character and when he is about to get his own dog.

Mr. Burrell, how did you imagine the image of Mr. Peabody? What kind of unusual relationship does he have with Sherman?

Ty Burrell: Mr. Peabody is comprehensively educated, well-read, and smart. I perceived him as a character with the very best intentions, who is not just friendly, but acts exclusively in the interests of Sherman.

He behaves with him as a teacher-mentor. Peabody gradually discovers that he is attached to Sherman, and their relationship develops into a real relationship between father and son.

What caused a special response in your heart?

Tye Burrell: I really liked the script. He was funny and serious at the same time. You know, Peabody and I are both foster parents.

I was touched by Peabody's sincere love for the child, so I felt very excited when I found out that I was chosen to voice this character. My wife Holly Burrell and I adopted two girls. Francis is now four, and Grete is two. Therefore, the topic resonated with me.

How smart is this dog? And did you identify with him?

Tye Burrell: Oh no, of course not. I could only wish to become as smart as he is. But playing a genius, who is also always right, is very interesting. Especially when you're wrong 95% of the rest of the time. Peabody is the most extraordinary, smartest and most educated dog on Earth! He was educated at Harvard and is a financial tycoon. He was even awarded the Nobel Prize! He speaks all languages ​​and is fluent in martial arts. In addition, he is also a great bartender. There is nothing that he could not do, except, perhaps, the expression of his emotions. Such things seem irrational to him. Sherman, of course, does not understand any of his puns, which is why funny situations constantly arise in the film.

What historical characters will Peabody and Sherman face during their time adventures?

Tye Burrell: This list is actually very long. Among them will be Marie Antoinette, Maximilian Robespierre, Tutankhamun, Agamemnon, Leonardo da Vinci, Sigmund Freud and many others.

If you had the opportunity to travel in time, where would you go?

Tye Burrell: Most likely, I would prefer the past, as well as the characters in the cartoon.

I have a very warm attitude to comedian Baster Keaton, and I would be interested to be on the set with him - to attend rehearsals and understand how he could ride on a locomotive grid in the film "General", shot in 1926, or find out how a stunt was made with a wall falling on it in the film “Steamboat Bill” in 1928. I'm generally a big fan of the buffoonery genre, and I love when good actors act in comedies. I believe that Buster Keaton had the highest level of artistry.

Was it difficult for you to voice a cartoon character?

Tye Burrell: This was my first work in full-length animation, and at the beginning, of course, it was a little unusual, because, unlike the movie, there is nobody near you and there is no interaction with other actors. But I was helped by director Rob Minkoff, who explained in detail what needs to be done. All the scenes were painted so that I understand what kind of world I am immersing in. When I saw the final version of the cartoon, I was simply amazed! I did not even expect that a whole world would be created and everything would turn out so colorful.

Do you think this cartoon instills a love for dogs?

Tye Burrell: Of course! After all, so many people have overcome difficult times in their lives precisely because their faithful friends, dogs, were next to them. When I was a child, I often even talked to my dog.

So you are a dog lover?

Tye Burrell: Yes, certainly. I grew up far outside the city and we had a lot of dogs. But at the moment I don’t have a dog, and I admit I miss. While I restrain my impulses to make a friend - now I try to devote as much time as possible to my daughters. You have to wait a bit until they grow up. But then, when I bring the dog to the house, my daughters will think that I'm the coolest dad!


  • Mr. Peabody is a businessman, inventor, scientist, Nobel laureate, foodie, two-time Olympic champion and genius ... who besides all this is a dog.
  • With the help of his most extraordinary invention - the Wayback machine - Mr. Peabody and his adoptive son Sherman instantly move into the past, where they witness the most important historical events and communicate with famous historical characters. When Sherman breaks the rules of time travel, our heroes have to hit the road again - this time to restore the chain of historical events and save the future. In addition, Mr. Peabody has to cope with the most difficult task for him - to become a real father for Sherman.


  • The original animated series about Mr. Peabody appeared in the late 50s of the XX century. For the entire time of its existence, about a hundred episodes were created. In each of them, Mr. Peabody and Sherman went on a fascinating journey through time so that Sherman could see with his own eyes how the history of our world was being created.
  • The time machine in the cartoon is called "Wabac machine". This is a misspelling of the name "Wayback machine".
  • In the animated series The Simpsons, Mr. Peabody and Sherman appear in season six in the sixth episode (Treehouse of Horror V), where Homer travels in time.
  • In the trailer, you can see the drawn silhouette of an elk. This is a reference to the cartoon "The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle."

Watch the video: Mr. Peabody & Sherman -- History's Greatest Mystery Featurette (May 2024).