In the UAE, the couple will spend a year in prison for extramarital affairs

A pair of lovers sentenced to imprisonment in the United Arab Emirates for extramarital affairs, which became known due to photos on social networks.

An unmarried couple who posted their own photos on social networks was sentenced to one year in prison in the UAE.

Earlier, the appeals court overturned the term of imprisonment and only fined the accused, but the Federal Supreme Court in Abu Dhabi upheld the previous lower court ruling, according to which the man and woman are found guilty and must serve the term of imprisonment.

Official court documents indicated that the case attracted attention from the authorities after a man of Arab ethnicity shared a photo of a personal (intimate) nature with friends on Instagram and WhatsApp.

In addition to allegations of extramarital affairs, the man was also charged with violating information technology laws.

The Abu Dhabi Federal Court of First Instance sentenced the couple to a year of imprisonment for everyone, and a man is also required to pay a fine of AED 250 thousand ($ 68 thousand).

The crime falls under the UAE Criminal Law. According to Sharia law, a man and a woman are not allowed to be alone outside of marriage.

Watch the video: British Woman Is Facing Jail In Dubai Because She Called Her Ex's Wife A 'Horse' On Facebook. TIME (May 2024).